


A walk is about a journey not a goal. It is about enjoying the experience of forming relationships with other people, the countryside and the landowners. It is about forming a spiritual peace and a sense of well being; it is about finding out about plant life, history and life all around us. Take your time when you walk. If its steep, go slow: you can only put one foot forward at a time. Take breaks regularly and embrace the fun and beauty of being outdoors. These walks can all be done in half a day so enjoy them. Mix and match routes - you get to know the countryside better if you do. It is surprising that going backwards over a route gives you a different sensation - you see the opposite views and it can feel like a very different walk

. You will notice in these walks that Chris prepared, how she does just that and they have been so popular with her group. So try it yourselves, have a wonderful time. Chris and her group certainly have done.

We strongly advise you to read the safety advice below before going for a walk.


Often mobile phone signals don’t work in the countryside, so it is important to let someone know where you are going and how long you expect to be so they can be a back up should you need it. This publication has walks numbered so it should be easy to identify which walk you are going on from the numbers and descriptions to help you in this. Download or print off a copy of the map route for yourself and to leave at home as a safeguard and make sure someone can pick you up should you need help home.

you may want to consider taking items you feel are necessary for your personal health and safety eg:

  • personal medication and identification

  • water and suitable snacks to sustain your energy

  • a whistle and torch

  • reading glasses

  • map, compass

  • suitable clothing and footwear for the terrain and weather conditions

  • anything else you deem essential for your personal needs

  • check the local weather before you leave at

When going out for a walk in the countryside, this website cannot be held responsible for your welfare or safety when walking these routes; each person is responsible for themselves and those they walk with for safety purposes.

Our walks

The walks in this publication have been tried and tested by Chris and her walking group. At the time walked all pathways were clear and walkable. However, as countryside is in the hands of landowners, pathways can be closed or change slightly due to the work carried out by farmers, forestry and local authority so please check the routes out first before taking a group out for a walk. Remember that maintaining the land and the animals is a livelihood for these people and we need to respect their needs.

(The walks blurb posted is mostly as Chris wrote it with her little comments at the bottom to keep a record of how things were going. We have kept them like this partly in respect of Chris's care and hard work in starting up the group and finding and testing these walks, and partly because they form the history of the Walk and Talk's early days.. We ask you to be respectful of that and enjoy seeing how the group grew.)

Our routes info

When going out for a walk in the countryside, this website cannot be held responsible for your welfare or safety when walking these routes; each person is responsible for themselves and those they walk with for safety purposes. Looking after the most needy is essential to group practice. The event of accident is always present but the walk publishers, leader, landn owners should not be blamed for falls or other accidents which come part and parcel with walking in the wild or your ability to follow routes. Each person should make his or her own judgements on their own ability to do the walk, and where possible make a note of ‘escape routes’ where it is possible to return home or get to a roadside for assistance in getting home. Planning is paramount to enjoying a good day out.

you can buy this map from:

or most high st or online retailers for outdoors

Alternatively A4 paper copies of the route can be photocopied for personal use at Ynysybwl Regeneration Partnership: Vision -

or the area viewed on google maps:,-3.3240755,14z


Please follow the Countryside Code (booklets available free or found online). Basically keep dogs on a lead when crossing farmland. Close all gates behind the last person through. Take all your rubbish home with you. If you had room to bring it you will have room to take it back. This helps protect the animals and beauty of the countryside we are all blessed to roam in.

Protective clothing and footwear for the outdoors are essential is looking after you. There are plenty of outdoor clothing shops which can help you get kitted out on the high street or online. Until you get specialised gear, just think about safety, comfort and the weather conditions. The higher the ground, the colder, windier and wetter it becomes. Enjoy your walks!